“Our sweet boy Huey is such a light in our lives. He’s in a battle with Tay Sachs disease which will take him from us in the near future. He’s taught us so much about love, living in the moment and being so grateful for our little family. We try to enjoy every day we get to have with Huey and our Madsen bike helps make that possible. Huey has no muscle function or vision at this point but loves to be outside and getting fresh air. We’ve loved the versatility of positions in the bucket that have made it possible for him to enjoy rides to drop off his sister at school and relaxing beach rides in the evening since he was in a car seat. He’s grown so much we worried we wouldn’t be able to give him this joy but the bucket bike continues to surprise us. We hope to continue to raise awareness about Tay Sachs and other rare genetic disorders through encouragement of carrier screening and genetic testing.” Calle Goerke, Huey’s incredible mom

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